To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Park District:
I. Recommendation
It is recommended that an order be entered authorizing the General Superintendent or her designee to enter into a contract with F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen and Associates, LLC in the amount of $6,289,000.00. The contractor was selected pursuant to a Request for Proposal (RFP). No work may commence, and no payment shall be made to contractor prior to the execution of a written agreement. The cultural center improvements will occur at Austin Town Hall, Douglass Park and Humboldt Park.
II. Award Information
Contractor: F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen and Associates, LLC
Business: Construction
Company Type: Limited Liability Company
Year Incorporation: 2003
Majority Interest: James V. Blair 85%
Contract Type: Construction Contract
Contract Period: Expiration of December 31, 2023
Contract Amount: Not-to-exceed $6,289,000.00
Affirmative Action: The Minority and Women-Owned Participation for this contract include:
25.20% Minority-owned, 5.03% Women-owned.
Scope of Services: The general scope of the renovation includes the demolition of existing theatre lighting and rigging features, the demolition and removal of walls and existing furnishings, installation of ADA platform lifts, theatre lighting and rigging systems, acoustic panels and curtains, audio/visual systems and associated controls, electrical improvements for the new theatre equipment, HVAC improvements, plumbing improvements for dressing rooms, and upgraded finishes and furnishes for theatre amenity spaces.
III. Budget and Financial Information
Austin Town Hall CIP 55039
Budget Classification: Capital
Fiscal Year: 2020
Source of Funds: 82.8260.0207.627012.BD122.01.01.55039
Douglass Park CIP 55275
Budget Classification: Capital
Fiscal Year: 2020
Source of Funds: 82.8260.0218.627012.BD122.01.01.55275
Humboldt Park CIP 55320
Budget Classification: Capital
Fiscal Year: 2020
Source of Funds: 82.8260.0204.627012.BD122.01.01.55320
IV. Procurement Information
Specification Number: P-16008-057
Date Issued: September 23, 2022
Number of Bids/Proposals Received: Two (2)
Date Bids/Proposals Due: November 3, 2022
Best & Final Offer Due (BAFO): December 14, 2022
Bid Evaluation Detail: Lowest responsible and responsive bidder
Procurement History: Project was issued as an RFP
The RFP was issued to all 19 members of the pre-qualified pool of General Contractors within the category of Construction/Renovation. Two proposals were received. These two proposals were carefully reviewed by Purchasing for responsiveness, Planning & Construction and Project Architect as to the content of the response relative to the project scopes at each of the fieldhouses and total cost. Each of the two Proposers were interviewed by members of Capital Construction and the Project Design Team to further clarify their understanding of the scope of work, their intended sub-contracting team and other items contained in their proposals.
On December 6, 2022 a Request for Best and Final Offer (BAFO) was sent to both Proposers with a deadline of December 14, 2022. Each of the BAFO’s were evaluated. The General Contractor’s proposal recommended for award demonstrated a full and complete understanding of the scope of work, includes a sub-contracting team with experience in the specialty areas required for these cultural center renovations, and a commitment of the necessary personnel to execute the three projects concurrently.
V. Explanation
The Cultural Center Renovations are a district-wide initiative to improve the Chicago Park District’s Cultural Centers throughout the city; the initial phase focuses on nine (9) centers located within the central and south regions. A Performance Venue Assessment report commissioned in 2019 by the Chicago Park District Department of Culture Arts, & Nature identified the need for these improvements.
This work will upgrade our current theatrical systems to better meet the standards of the professional artists and educators who utilize our Cultural Centers to provide programming to patrons in and around the surrounding communities. The Department of Culture, Arts, & Nature provides a wide range of cultural programing at these centers, administers the Art Partners in Residence program, and facilitates other cultural partnerships. The improvements and upgrades to theatres will enhance these performance spaces and improve overall arts and cultural opportunities. This award for Austin Town Hall, Douglass Park and Humboldt Parks is the first phase of the Cultural Center improvement program with more to come.
VI. General Conditions
1. Conflicts: No agreement authorized herein shall be legally binding on the Chicago Park District if entered into in violation of the provision5s of the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act, 50 ILCS 105/0.01 et seq.
2. Ethics: The Chicago Park District’s Ethics Code, Chapter III of the Code of the Chicago Park District, shall be incorporated into and made part of all agreements authorized herein.
3. Contingent Liability: Any agreement lawfully entered into for a period of more than one year shall be executory only for the amounts for which the Park District may become liable in succeeding fiscal years pursuant to Section 17(i) of the Chicago Park District Act, 70 ILCS 1505/17(i). All agreements authorized herein shall contain a clause that any expenditure beyond the current fiscal year is subject to appropriation in the subsequent fiscal year budget
4. Economic Disclosure Statement (“EDS”): Contractors have submitted a full and complete EDS prior to execution of the contract.