To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Park District:
I. Recommendation
Pursuant to Chapter VII, Section C.3.c of the Code of the Chicago Park District, it is recommended that the Board of Commissioners review and make a determination of provisional approval or denial for special event permit applications with an attendance of 10,000 or more per day. Such provisional approval would then authorize the General Superintendent or her designee to continue the Chicago Park District special event permit process which includes collection of required fees and documents including but not limited to insurance, site plan and waste removal plans. Attached as Exhibit A is a summary report of forms received prior to the due date for submission to the Board.
II. Information
Parties: See Exhibit A
Contract Type: Permit
III. Budget and Financial Information
Budget Classification: Operating Revenue
Fiscal Year: 2023
Fund line: 001.9310.9310.423005.00001.01.01.00001
IV. Explanation
The Chicago Park District continues its Community Engagement Guidelines which were introduced in 2022. The Guidelines employ a community engagement plan to keep neighboring residences, businesses and other stakeholders abreast of planned event operations. As part of their community engagement organizers are also encouraged to bring benefits to the community by hiring local residents and securing local vendors. This is consistent with actions taken by event organizers over the years who provide financial support to local parks and schools, organize park clean ups, host holiday food and toy drives and contribute to park capital improvements.
Effective November 16, 2022, Chapter VII of the Chicago Park District Code requires the Bo...
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