To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Park District:
I. Recommendation
It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve the amendments to Chapter V of the Code of the Chicago Park District.
II. Explanation
Chapter 70 ILCS 1505/7.02, enables the Board of Commissioners to “establish by ordinance all needful rules and regulations for the government and protection of parks…” At the October 9, 2024 Board Meeting, the Board of Commissioners received the proposed amendments to Chapter V of the Code and initiated the notice period. The notice period has concluded, and the General Superintendent recommends that the Board of Commissioners approve the proposed amendments to Chapter V of the Code as set forth in Exhibit A to the Ordinance.
By way of background, Chapter 5 of the Code was last amended in December 2022, when the Chicago Park District established its first paid parental leave policy, providing up to 8-weeks of paid leave for eligible Employees, as well as other enhancements to personnel benefits.
The proposed amendments currently before the Board make important updates to further enhance personnel benefits to help the District remain competitive in hiring and retention efforts; they include updates to use consistent language across personnel policies; to ensure consistency with leave provided by statute including the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA); and expand the Chicago Park District’s Paid Parental Leave Policy to provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave for eligible employees beginning January 1, 2025. The proposed amendments are set forth in full in the Enclosed Exhibit A.
Upon approval, the General Counsel shall review, prepare and publish electronic copies of the Code of the Chicago Park District that have been revised by reason of these amendments.