To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Park District:
I. Recommendation
It is recommended that an order be entered authorizing the General Superintendent or their designee to enter into a contract with School Health Corporation, to purchase and maintain, as well as train and certify Chicago Park District staff in the use of AED/CPR. The contractor was selected pursuant to a request for proposals.
No work shall commence and no payment shall be made prior to an execution of a written agreement.
II. Award Information
Contractor: School Health Corporation
Contract Type: Corporation
Contract Period: Two (2) year initial term with two (2), one (1), year extension options.
Authorized Amount: Not-to-Exceed $245,795.76 for the initial two (2) year term.
Scope of Services: To provide, service, and maintain all Park District AED machines. To also provide staff training, including any updating in certification of AED usage and CPR technique and administration, citywide.
Affirmative Action Goals: Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise participation for this contract includes: 0% minority owned and 0% women owned. Participation has been waived by the Director of Purchasing and approved by the Superintendent for this product due to no minorities or women owned companies in this market.
Authorization: Authorize the General Counsel to include other relevant terms and conditions in the written Agreement. Authorize the General Superintendent to execute the Agreement and the Secretary to
attest to the signing of the Agreement and keep an original copy of the agreement on file.
III. Budget and Financial Information
Budget Classification: Operating
Fiscal Year: 2024
Source of Funds: 001.8280.8280.623130.00001.01.01.00001
IV. Procurement Information
The Chicago Park District publicly advertised Request for Proposals (“IFB”) # P-23016 for AED procurement, service and training and related services on February 8th. The deadline for submissions was February 29th. There was one submission from School Health, which currently works with the Chicago Public Schools providing maintenance and inspections for AED products, as well as AED and CPR training for over 1400 AEDs.
V. Explanation
The State of Illinois requires that the Chicago Park District maintain AEDs in a safe and operating condition. School Health Corporation will provide maintenance, management, and
24-hour response service for all AED’s in and throughout the Chicago Park District.
The company will also provide certified training in AED administration and usage as well as CPR.
VI. General Conditions
1. Conflicts: No agreement authorized herein shall be legally binding on the Chicago Park District if entered into in violation of the provisions of the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act, 50 ILCS 105/0.01 et seq
2. Ethics: The Chicago Park District’s Ethics Code, Chapter III of the Code of the Chicago Park District, shall be incorporated into and made part of all agreements authorized herein.
3. Contingent Liability: Any agreement lawfully entered into for a period of more than one year shall be executory only for the amounts for which the Park District may become liable in succeeding fiscal years pursuant to Section 17(i) of the Chicago Park District Act, 70 ILCS 1505/17(i). All agreements authorized herein shall contain a clause that any expenditure beyond the current fiscal year is subject to appropriation in the subsequent fiscal year budget.
4.Economic Disclosure Statement (“EDS”): Contractor has submitted a full and complete EDS prior to execution of the contract.