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File #: 24-1126-0911    Name: Change Order to FH Paschen for Contructionof garfiled Park Conservatory EMG Children's Garden
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 8/14/2024 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 9/11/2024 Final action: 9/11/2024
Sponsors: Cultural and Natural Resources
Indexes: Change Order
Attachments: 1. MWBE Schedules - FH Paschen



CHANGE ORDER NO. 01: NTE $587,633.18






To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Park District


I. Recommendation


It is recommended that a change order be entered authorizing the General Superintendent or designee to enter into an agreement with F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Associates LLC for additional construction services for the development of the Garfield Park Conservatory Elizabeth Morse Genius Children’s Garden for the subject services described below:


Change Order #01:  Construction scope of additional work associated with the purchase and installation of two playground features included as Alternates in the original project bid. Additional work associated with Alternate 2 “Pitcher Plant Perch” and Alternate 3 “Recharge Arbor” includes concrete foundation, structural steel, structural steel erection, handrails painting, subgrade excavation, electrical, root arbor sculpture and benches. This additional work is funded through private donations through the Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance.

ADD:                         Not-to-Exceed $587,633.18



II. Change Order Information


Contractor:                      F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Associates LLC

                     5515 N. East River Road

                     Chicago, IL 60656








Original Contract Amount:




Previous Change Orders:




Contract Amount prior to this Change Order:    




Amount of Current Change Order:

$587,633.18 (6.8%)



New Contract Amount:





Contract Type:                     Construction Contract

Contract Period:
                     Contract time will remain the same

Contract Amount:
                     Not-to-Exceed $9,168,633.18


*This change order includes work by MBE contractor Pinto, Legend, Evans and WBE contractor Dian, R.W. Collins. The Contractor will maintain the minimum 25.00% MBE and 5.00% WBE compliance on this contract. Once change order work has been completed, the Contractor will reconcile the actual MBE/WBE dollar participation by sub-contractor and provide Chicago Park District Purchasing Department with updated Schedule A’s and B’s. Per the contract, the contractor will retain 26.00% & 6.00% MBE/WBE ratios throughout the job.


Change Order #01:  Include additional construction work required to add previous bid Alternate #2 Pitcher Plant Perch and Alternate #3 The Recharge Arbor to the construction project. Alternate #2 Pitcher Plant Perch is an extension of the elevated experience, bringing visitors to an elevated deck shaped like a tropical pitcher plant that offers views into the desert house and the exterior gardens through the northwest window exposure. Alternate #3 The Recharge Arbor offers a place of respite for children who may be challenged by an overstimulated environment. A natural wood seating platform is encompassed by steel bands that form an onion-like shelter for their temporary escape. 


Additional work includes concrete foundation, structural steel, structural steel erection, handrails painting, subgrade excavation, electrical, root arbor sculpture and benches. This additional work is funded through private donations through the Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance, the Chicago Park District program and management partner at the Garfield Park Conservatory.


The circumstances that necessitate this change order were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed, were not within the contemplation of the contract as signed and are in the best interest of the Chicago Park District.


The contractor’s proposals will be thoroughly reviewed by the Project Manager and Architect of Record and approved once found to be reasonable.




III. Budget and Financial Information


Budget Classification:                     Capital Grant - private donations

Fiscal Year:                     2024

Source of Funds:                     351.8450.0204.627030.PG069.19.09.57405



IV. Explanation:


Since 1998, the Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance (GPCA) has worked to make the Conservatory and its collections accessible and relevant to a broad audience through public programming, visitor services and new exhibits that engage visitors of all backgrounds in plants and nature. With an emphasis on engaging underserved families from Chicago’s West Side, we have established the Conservatory as an educational resource for Chicago school teachers, a cultural destination for families, and a catalyst for economic and community development in one of Chicago’s most under-resourced neighborhoods. Our long-range vision for the Conservatory is focused on establishing it as a destination for children and families - a place where they can experience first-hand the beauty and power of nature.


The new Garden Lookout, a redevelopment of the Conservatory’s existing children’s garden, will provide a safe, year-round, indoor tropical adventure focused on the cognitive, emotional and physical development of children ages 1 to 9. The focal point of the redesigned space will be a large-scale nature-themed ‘playscape’ with integrated tropical plantings to engage children in active multi-tiered nature explorations. The climbing structure will provide high levels of physical activity and engagement with plants and other natural features of the garden. The redesigned space will better integrate design elements in order to provide an immersive learning environment and more diverse opportunities to build gross and fine motor skills. Children will feel a sense of accomplishment by mastering vertical adventures that offer them unique views of the Conservatory’s indoor and outdoor gardens. To achieve these heights, children will need to cooperate and exercise their decision-making and problem-solving skills. At all levels, children will be rewarded with the unexpected beauty of nature. And along the way, they will discover the joy, power and rewards of challenging their minds and bodies.



VI. General Conditions


1) Conflicts: The Agreement shall not be legally binding on the Chicago Park District if entered into in violation of the provisions of 50 ILCS 105, the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act.


2) Ethics:  The agreement shall contain a provision requiring compliance with Chapter III of the Code of the Chicago Park District ("Governmental Ethics").


3)  Contingent Liability:  Any agreement lawfully entered into for a period of more than one year shall be executory only for the amounts for which the Park District may become liable in succeeding fiscal years pursuant to Section 17(i) of the Chicago Park District Act, 70 ILCS 1505/17(i).  All agreements authorized herein shall contain a clause that any expenditure beyond the current fiscal year is subject to appropriation in the subsequent fiscal year budget.


4)  Economic Disclosure Statement (“EDS”):  Contractor has submitted a full and complete EDS.