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File #: 19-1105-1113    Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 10/30/2019 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 11/13/2019 Final action: 11/13/2019
Attachments: 1. P-19015-Schedules 11_8_19







To:      The Honorable Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Park District


I. Recommendation


It is recommended that an order be entered authorizing the General Superintendent or his designee to enter into a contract with Anchor Mechanical, Inc for the maintenance and repair of the Building Automation System, District Wide. This contractor was selected pursuant to a publicly advertised Request for Proposal.  No work may commence and no payment shall be made prior to the execution of a written agreement.


II. Contractor Information


Contractor/Vendor:                      Anchor Mechanical, Inc.

                     255 N. California Ave

                     Chicago, IL  60612


Company Type:                     Illinois Business Corporation


Major Interest:                     Michael F. Rosner                     100%


Contract Amount:                     $127,020.00 for the two (2) year initial contract term.  Additional year options will be based on year (2) price. Expenditures for services and extension term will be authorized by the annual appropriation and subject to each year’s budget and depends on requirements.



Contract Period:                       Two (2) year initial term with three (3) additional one (1) year extension options. If extension options are exercised, funding shall be based upon annual appropriations.


Scope of Services:                     Maintenance, Repair and Support of the Building Automation System.


Affirmative Action                        The Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise participation for this contract includes: 25% Minority Owned and 5% Women Owned.


Authorization:                      Authorize the General Counsel to include other relevant terms and conditions in the written Agreement.  Authorize the General Superintendent to execute the Agreement and the Secretary to attest as to the signing of the Agreement and keep an original copy of the Agreement on file.


III. Budget and Financial Information


Budget Classification:                      Operating

Fiscal Year:                      2019-2024

Source of Funds:                      Operating 001.8485.8485.623130.00001.01.01.00001



IV. Procurement Information


Specification Number:                                          P-19015

Date Issued:                                          August 30, 2019

Number of Proposals Received:                     Two (2)

Date Proposals Due:                                          September 25, 2019

Proposal Evaluation Detail:                                          Lowest responsible and responsive bidder


This contract was publicly advertised as a Request for Proposals (“RFP”).  Two (2) proposals were received on the due date.  One (1) proposal was deemed non-compliant as the proposer did not submit the required MBE/WBE schedules and certifications.  The proposal submitted by Anchor Mechanical was found by the Department of Purchasing (“Purchasing”) to be compliant and responsive.


The Evaluation Committee (“EC”) was comprised of five (5) voting members, all CPD staff.  The EC began their evaluation of the proposal at their first meeting on October 15, 2019, and the non-financial proposal was distributed. The second meeting was held on October 23, 2019 where the non-financial proposal was discussed and the financial proposal was distributed and reviewed.  After review of the non-financial and financial proposal, the EC concluded their evaluation unanimously scoring Anchor Mechanical, Inc.



V. Explanation


The Department of Facilities Management is responsible for maintenance, repair and support of Chicago Park District facility buildings, with (66) buildings having a Building Automation System (BAS). The BAS system allows park district engineers the ability to monitor, service and maintain buildings while physically servicing other facility locations.  This also assists in the reduction of energy expenses by regulating temperatures for programming and patron comfort. Having this contract in place will allow Facilities to expeditiously meet its operational needs at a fair and reasonable price.  Therefore, it is in the best interest of the Chicago Park District to award Anchor Mechanical, Inc. the contract for the maintenance, repair and support of the Building Automation System.



VI. General Conditions


1) Conflicts: No agreement authorized herein shall be legally binding on the Chicago Park District if entered into in violation of the provisions of the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act, 50 ILCS 105/0.01 et seq.



2) Ethics: The Chicago Park District’s Ethics Code, Chapter III of the Code of the Chicago Park District, shall be incorporated into and made part of all agreements authorized herein.


3) Contingent Liability:  Any agreement lawfully entered into for a period of more than one year shall be executory only for the amounts for which the Park District may become liable in succeeding fiscal years pursuant to Section 17(i) of the Chicago Park District Act, 70 ILCS 1505/17(i).  All agreements authorized herein shall contain a clause that any expenditure beyond the current fiscal year is subject to appropriation in the subsequent fiscal year budget.


4) Economic Disclosure Statement (“EDS”): Contractor has submitted a full and complete EDS prior to execution of the contract.