To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the Chicago Park District:
I. Recommendation
It is recommended that an order be entered authorizing the General Superintendent or her designee to enter into a contract with KR Miller Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $2,705,400.00. The contractor was selected pursuant to a Request for Proposal (RFP). No work may commence, and no payment shall be made to KR Miller Contractors, Inc prior to the execution of a written agreement.
II. Award Information
Contractor: KR Miller Contractors, Inc.
Business: Construction
Company Type: Business Corporation
Year Incorporation: 1991
Majority Interest: Keith R Miller 88% interest
Michael Cwienkala 12% interest
Contract Type: Construction Contract
Contract Amount: Not-to-exceed $2,705,400.00
Affirmative Action: The Minority and Women-Owned Participation for this contract includes: 25.3% MBE participation and 10.6% WBE participation.
Scope of Services: Rainbow Beach Handball / Racquetball Facility Renovation includes the rehabilitation of the existing handball and racquetball building in the northern end of the park. Improvements to the building include a fully refurbished interior program space to include new accessible public bathrooms, storage space, clubroom with drinking fountain, furniture, lighting, kitchenette with sinks. Exterior work will include building façade improvements, new windows, roofing , court surface repairs and lighting, new fitness area space, seating area and plantings.
III. Budget and Financial Information
Budget Classification: Capital and Capital Grant
Fiscal Year: 2024
Source of Funds: 391.8260.1001.627030.CC001.22.08.58300
IV. Procurement Information
Specification Number: P-23001-007
Date Issued: February 5, 2024
Number of Proposals Received: Nine (9)
Date Bids Due: March 4, 2024
Bid Evaluation Detail: Lowest responsible and responsive bidder
Procurement History: Project was issued as an RFP
The RFP was issued to all members of the General Construction Services Pre-Qualified Pool within the category of New Construction/Renovation Services. Nine (9) proposals were received, but one proposal was deemed non-responsive by Purchasing. Planning & Construction along with the Project Architect thoroughly reviewed the proposals as to the quality of the proposal, compliance with MBE/WBE goals, cost for the services and past performance, where applicable. Additional interview discussions were held with two (2) of the submitters by Planning & Construction staff along with Purchasing to further discuss their proposal.
The responsive and compliant submitter selected possesses the professional qualifications and experience necessary for the satisfactory performance of the required services. The selected proposal was chosen by the Evaluation Committee in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP and in the best interest of the Park District.
V. Explanation
Rainbow Beach Park is a 142-acre park located in the South shore and South Chicago Community Areas. The Handball Facility and adjoining Marine Building is located at 2863 E 76th St and was constructed in the early 1960’s. The scope of work for this project includes the rehabilitation of the existing handball and racquetball building and courts. This project was driven by a very active community who enjoys this type of recreation. They were successful in being chosen as a recipient of funds through the Chicago Works Community Challenge Grant. The new park improvements will provide a renovated space for the handball and racquetball community as well as new space for ongoing park programming.
VI. General Conditions
1. Conflicts: No agreement authorized herein shall be legally binding on the Chicago Park District if entered into in violation of the provisions of the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act, 50 ILCS 105/0.01 et seq.
2. Ethics: The Chicago Park District’s Ethics Code, Chapter III of the Code of the Chicago Park District, shall be incorporated into and made part of all agreements authorized herein.
3. Contingent Liability: Any agreement lawfully entered into for a period of more than one year shall be executory only for the amounts for which the Park District may become liable in succeeding fiscal years pursuant to Section 17(i) of the Chicago Park District Act, 70 ILCS 1505/17(i). All agreements authorized herein shall contain a clause that any expenditure beyond the current fiscal year is subject to appropriation in the subsequent fiscal year budget.
4. Economic Disclosure Statement (“EDS”): Contractor has submitted a full and complete EDS prior to execution of the contract.